Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

What is the meaning of 24 years old??

I was born at December of 24, 1986
And now im 24 years old

Well., this is what im feeling being 24!!

  • 24 years old it meant --> Im not young again. But.. not yet be old.
  • 24 years old it meant --> Hmm i think now im begin be a woman.
  • 24 years old it meant --> Im not child again, but i already be adult. OH NO!!
  • 24 years old it meant --> Not how difficult it becomes an adult. But.. it so difficult when they said that i must be  adult!!
  • 24 years old it meant --> I miss my time when i was still kid. No broken heart, no painful tears. Only a woonded knee from a bicycle accident.
  • 24 years old ----------> After i finished my bachelor degree of Social and Political Science last year, bolak balik looking for a good job. Hmm.. better job. Finally, i got it!! Since November 2010 im working at advertising company. I try for love my job. Bismillah. I hope this office is better.
  • 24 years old it meant --> I learn a lot of things in my life yesterday as long as 23 years. Where now im trying to enjoying my live while i can, and making many plans for tomorrow. Certainly, the most important thing is not to stop questioning and learn more a lot of than before. Karena hidup adalah perjuangan. hahaha.
  • 24 years old it meant --> Should be much better change in my life and especially start from my self.
  • 24 years old it meant --> Always be my self "Lamia Sari Putri".. Do what i can, with what i have, where i am. 
Well.. this is what im feeling. What ever i am, 24 years old i must always be a good person.